Sunday, 21 October 2012

Samsung vs. Apple (round 2)

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It seems as if Samsung want some payback since the very controversial lawsuit that was settled between themselves and Apple, of which Apple won one billion USD. Here is an ad poster by Samsung comparing its latest top-of-range smartphone the Galaxy S III to the rectly released iphone 5. The whole point of the poster was to steal the spotlight from Apple when they released the iPhone 5 brand new. The strapline "The next big thing is already here" is clearly a gibe at Apple's new smartphone. The main heading "it doesn't take a genius"  is indicating that it doesn't take a genies to figure out which is better with the longer list of features listed under the Samsuge Galaxy III compared to the iPhonhe 5. From a design perpective you can also see by the way the presented the two phones is indicative of what they (Samsung) are trying to say about the two phones. The Galaxy S III is shown quite clearly with the screen switched on whereas the iPhone 5's screen is turned off and its more in the background. The iPhone doesn't stand out and is clearly in the shade of the Samsung the way they have been juxtaposed. I personally dislike this ad not because of design but because I feel that this is 'dirty' advertisement and a cheap shot at Apple. From a marketing viewpoint this could be putting Samsung in a negative way with Samsung promoting a rival device indirectly. Even though the overall message is that the Galaxy SIII is much better than the iPhone 5 it is still promoting the other device nevertheless by it being shown in the advert. This advert is also very subjective by intentionally leaving out some features for the iPhone 5 so the Samsung phone is shown to be better in almost every way, in reality both phones do things that the other can't, for example this ad purposely fails to mention that the iphone has a larger app store than the Android based counterpart (of which the Samsung is using). All in all, I think Samsung could have promoted thier phone without the inclusion of a rival product while still making a point of it being the best smatphone on the market. 

1 comment:

  1. Some excellent posts here Mamur, keep up the good work!
