Sunday 11 November 2012

Co-operate, working together

These a various different works by designers part of the Mill Co. co-operative (a collective of freelance artists & designers). A co-operative "is a group of people acting together to meet the common needs and aspirations of its members, sharing ownership and making decisions democratically" - The works showcase in some form or manner the idea of Cooperativism.
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"Block" by David Hazell. I really like the big bold colours present in this photo. The use of broght colours create a sense of joy and happiness, it also makes the poster stand out from anything else with it being so bright!

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"Many Small People, Many Small Places" by Rhiannon Adam. I like the layering effect of the photos displayed in this piece of work, its slightly disorientating at times with the photos being all over the place. I like the almost vintage like finish to the final piece with the brown and green tints.

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Tom Frost: "Working Together". Great way fo communicating the message of working together by using a hand pumped railcar which requires you to work well together (between two people) to use it properly.

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Eleanor Marechal: "Garden City". I like the geometric approach. It seems as if the design has been specifically structured and very calculated when it was in the design process.

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